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  • Performing Arts

    Performing ArtsThe Performing Arts are of vital importance. We need music, art and movement in our communities and in our lives, we need these moments of being together, whether that's in practice or performance. These moments make us feel human, feel special and feel connected. People have been making music for thousands of years. Singing, dancing and performing bonds people together, exercises a range of muscles, makes you feel happy, and it's fun! The camaraderie of communal performance is of benefit to all children and all humans, this is why everyone enjoys singing en masse at football matches, religious gatherings and dancing at parties, with no thought of their own ability! You don't get the same feeling when singing along or dancing alone to a CD.

    We also believe that music and the Performing Arts are good for your health. They lift the spirits, can improve self-worth, confidence and discipline. These disciplines can also help with team-building and provide a sense of achievement.

    We believe that music, drama and dance are not just optional extras, subjects that are not high priority and do not matter as much as other areas of the curriculum. The Performing Arts is a subject that is sometimes only offered to children who have the time and inclination. This should not be the case. Children have a right to a good quality Performing Arts education and we believe that an exciting curriculum will create memories for the children for years to come.

    We aim to provide our children with many different opportunities to take part in the performing arts through extra-curricular clubs, lessons in school, class projects, concerts, performances, videos and larger-scale productions. Throughout the year, all children at St Bart's will get the opportunity to learn through dance, drama and music. These subjects will be taught by professional dancers, choreographers, specialist teachers and our own staff. We also aim to provide the children, particularly in the older years, opportunities to learn about stagecraft, lighting, props, scenery and backstage management. This allows children who have particular interests to find out about the specific skills required in putting on a full performance and maybe begin to have ambitions for their future careers.

    We view all of our Performing Arts projects as team events. All children gain so much from learning these skills and, for the some who do not favour the limelight, we aim to find different ways for them to contribute. Everyone's roles are valued and viewed as equal importance.

    We have now begun to involve the children in our Performing Arts projects, allowing them to become the choreographer/director, where appropriate. We aim to harness the children's creativity and give them ownership of their work.

    We believe that being part of Performing Arts projects at St Bart's will foster a life-long love of the subject and interest in creativity. We aim to build confidence, independence and positive self-image. The children will learn many skills that they will transfer to their futures. We hope that these memories will stay with the children as they progress to the next stage of their education and beyond. This is why we are committed to make the performing arts an integral and vital part of life at St Bart's for all of our children!

    Our Performing Arts Strategy

    Our Performing Arts Curriculum