Dear Families and Friends,
Our Christmas events have definitely begun. Thank you for all of your support for our Christmas Fayre. It was a fabulous and joyous end to a very busy week. Santa was impressed and told me that the PTA are definitely on his nice list!
If you didn't get the chance to buy a splendid bauble for your tree, they will be on sale this coming week too. Please speak with your child's class teacher or contact the school office. Unclaimed raffle prizes will be distributed as soon as possible.
Next week gets even busier, with our three nativities and Christmas shows. As you will see from our posters, Early Years are presenting "Whoops-a-Daisy Angel" on Wednesday morning, and Key Stage One are presenting "Bethlehem Ballroom" on Friday morning. Both of these shows are in our Teaching Hall. Key Stage 2 are performing "A Magical Christmas Treasury" on both Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, in the PE Hall. All performances will be very busy and full of fun, so make sure you are seated well before they start, as they can't be interrupted. Sadly, any latecomers will be turned away!
You don't need a ticket for these events, but donations on the day will be very welcome to help us cover our costs.
Have you booked your Christmas lunch for the final Wednesday? If not, please do so on Appetite. We'll be sending details of Christmas parties etc. in the coming days. Remember that you will need to pick up your children from church on the final Thursday of term, at the usual time.
Take a deep breath - the next 5 days will be very full...
Yours sincerely,
Mr. Restall & The St Bart's Team