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  • Curriculum

    Our Curriculum is continually under review, as we aim to meet the needs of all pupils in an exciting and engaging way.  We always meet our statutory requirements but also clarify what and how we teach with reference to our Christian values.

    The Government introduced a new National Curriculum in September 2014 (full detail available here National Curriculum) and, as a Voluntary Aided Church of England school, we also follow the Newcastle Diocesan Scheme of Work for Religious Education aiming to work closely with other church schools. (More information can be found here Religious Education.)  We have used these documents, alongside others, to produce a curriculum for our children which is both challenging and engaging.

    We always seek to make reasonable adjustments to our curriculum and provision to meet the needs of those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

    Parents are welcome to contact the school if they have any questions or require further information about the curriculum we offer at St Bart’s.

    Our curriculum at St Bart's always aims to focus on the needs and interests of the children before us. This means that, whilst underpinned by the statutory National Curriculum, Early Years curriculum and Newcastle Religious Education syllabus, it is ever changing depending on each cohort. Our Intent is always mapped to show progression, for every child, from Nursery to Year 6. Knowledge, skills and understanding always build on prior learning, allowing the children to develop at an appropriate rate. We want the children to be emersed in their learning, enjoy the whole process and mature in their approach to challenges that will come.

    Based on our ethos and values, fulfilling our school's mission and vision, we want to see every child flourish and live life in all its fullness. This means that we will get to know each child, their background, interests and needs, and craft a curriculum that provides the opportunities for them to make the best possible progress whilst keeping them interested and motivated to learn. To Implement our curriculum, staff will take the essential aspects of the various statutory frameworks and plan high quality learning sequences that allow the children to grow in their knowledge and apply it in purposeful contexts.

    Our curriculum will be wide and deep. We will maximise the resources available to us to ensure that every child is well-prepared for the next stage in their education. To assess the Impact of all we do, school leaders will regularly monitor the learning that takes place and make appropriate adjustments and accommodations to improve our curriculum offer.

    Our Curriculum Vision Statements

    Reading, Writing and Mathematics

    The majority of content for English and Mathematics in all English State Primary schools is prescribed by the National Curriculum, with each year group having its own set of objectives.  These objectives must be covered in order for the children to be ready for their next stage of schooling.  Teachers plan towards, assess against and report on the children's progress in meeting these objectives.  The end of year expectation is that children will have a secure set of age-appropriate knowledge, skills and understanding.  Every child is set an appropriate, aspirational target based on their prior attainment.

    The National Curriculum combines some year group objectives together for Reading and Writing in Key Stage 2.  We have supplemented the basic documents with content of our own and from elsewhere which enhances learning and guides the children further.  Therefore we have grouped the curriculum for Reading, Writing and Maths into hierarchical "stages" that are linked to the end of year expectations.  For example, the Stage 1 curriculum is an enhanced version of Year 1 expectations.  The rationale allows the children to learn key objectives in greater depth at an appropriate pace.  Typically, children in Class 1 begin and work towards the objectives during the Autumn term, work within them during the Spring and aim to become secure by the Summer.  Further study leads to deeper learning as the children master these objectives in more varied and challenging contexts.  This means that they are then truly ready for the next stage.

    In Mathematics in particular, we have also created intermediate steps between end of year objectives so that the children can see success as they progress through each stage.

    By the time the children reach Year 6, the end of Key Stage 2, it is vital that they are as secure as possible in Stage 4 English (Reading and Writing) as well as Stage 6 Maths.  Those who have higher targets aim to work within Stage 5 in the English subjects.  The curriculum involves a great deal of consolidation and depth of study, allowing more personal lines of inquiry, developing independent study skills and preparing for the transition to Secondary school.  This will mean that the children leave St. Bart's equipped for Key Stage 3 and beyond.

    Below are overview documents that cover the curriculum stages from 1 to 5 in Reading & Writing and stages 1 to 6 in Mathematics.  They are used by teachers as planning and assessment tools within school, although in a different interactive format.  Those statements highlighted and emboldened are key objectives that are monitored and assessed so that the children make the best possible progress towards their end of Key Stage expectation.

    Reading Stages

    Writing Stages

    Maths Stages

    Visual Calculations

    Parents often ask, "How do you teach ...?  It doesn't seem the same since I was at school."

    At St. Bart's, we have an agreed set of methods that we teach for calculations throughout the school.  Our 4-part visual calculation policy shows what we model in lessons and what we would expect to see in books.  Whilst acknowledging that there are alternate methods, we expect the children to learn the most efficient "standard" method which can be reinforced at home.

    Below are the summary documents, progressing from Stage 1 (Year 1) to Stage 6 (Year 6) in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

    Foundation Curriculum

    Curriculum Vocabulary Lists

    Religious Education

    As a Church of England, Voluntary Aided school, we teach Religious Education (RE) in line with the Diocesan approved Scheme of Work.  This is based on an national resource called "Understanding Christianity" but has been developed to include other world religions.  The teaching of RE is a vital aspect of school life so that our children come to understand what others believe, what they may choose to believe themselves and how people's differing beliefs can affect the way they act.  Our core values underpin our teaching of RE, developing what we hope to be: a true respect for all people, a proper tolerance of things we may personally disagree with, a way to wipe out discrimination and a vehicle to truly love others as we would want to be loved and accepted ourselves.

    Personal Social and Health Education (PSHE)

    All of our children's care and wellbeing is carefully considered as part of the explicit PSHE curriculum.  Whilst our values weave through everything we do (implicitly) we also plan for key content to be covered throughout the year in every class, including the promotion of traditional British values.  This includes friendships, problem-solving, overcoming challenges, resilience, staying safe, sex and relationships education (SRE), drug misuse, anti-bullying, cyber-skills, enterprise and many other aspects of life in our 21st century world.