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  • Vision and Values

    Summary Video

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    Our aim is to provide outstanding education, underpinned by distinctively Christian values, developing our pupils academically, morally and spiritually, within and as part of the wider community.

    At the heart of our ethos is the understanding that we are all created in the image of God and as such are all of equal worth. We should therefore aim to reflect His character as best we can.

    In simple terms, our core values are:

    • truth
    • forgiveness
    • compassion
    • thankfulness
    • humility
    • determination
    • excellence
    • service

    These are just some of the virtues we see in Jesus, as recorded in the Bible.  He is our role model, the perfect example of how people should be.

    Based on these values, we aim to provide outstanding education which encourages all of our pupils to achieve their personal best, make wise decisions, appreciate the wonder of all of creation and look to the needs of others, wherever they may be.

    Using language written by our children, we have eight statements that help us live out these values in our daily lives:

    • TRUTH: "Be honest, always telling the truth and being open about our mistakes and achievements."
    • FORGIVENESS: "Be ready to forgive each other quickly."
    • COMPASSION: "Be kind and caring to others, being friendly and not letting people feel judged, lonely or left out."
    • THANKFULNESS: "Take pride in all we do, being thankful to God for all we have."
    • HUMILITY: "Be polite and respectful, having good manners and understanding the views and feelings of others."
    • DETERMINATION: "Always keep going, even when things are difficult."
    • EXCELLENCE: "Work hard and enthusiastically, praising what is good."
    • SERVICE: "Help out when we can, working as a team by sharing and trusting each other."

    The main driver for these values is our House System, details of which are on our Awards page.

    Every child will be given the opportunity to develop into a mature, confident and considerate person within a safe, disciplined and stimulating environment. They will be encouraged to be citizens of independent thought, who pursue truth, are respectful of others and tolerant of difference, ready to live peaceful, law abiding lives, full of purpose, contributing to a free and democratic society.

    As well as upholding the pursuit of truth, and through the lens of the Christian tradition, we aim to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development which includes the Government's traditional British values of: democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.  Please read our Governors' Statement.

    British Values (individual pages)

    These values, alongside our own, are woven throughout our RE scheme and 3-year Collective Worship cycle which promote them through the lens of the Christian tradition.

    All of our values are promoted using House Points.  Each week, adults aim to notice examples of the children demonstrating these values and, in turn, award a House Point.  The points are totalled by monitors from Year 6 and a House Cup is awarded at the end of our weekly Achievement Assembly.  The cumulative total is displayed and shared on our website.  During the year, particular opportunities are given for the children to gain further points by entering school-wide competitions which encourage our values and develop character.