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  • Our Learning

    Welcome to Class 2!

    Summer 2

    We had a brilliant afternoon at the North Tyneside Multiskills event! All children showed fantastic determination and demonstrated their skills well.

    We had a fantastic day at the Rising Sun. We went pond dipping, made mini beasts out of nature, went on a mini beast hunt and created habitats for them to live in!

    Class 2 are ready for Euro 2024! We have all picked a random team and will follow their journey throughout the competition. Don’t our team hats look fantastic?!

    Decorating cakes for our bake sale to raise money towards our final trip of the year.

    Classifying sweets in Science.

    What time is it?

    Summer 1

    We planted four pots of grass and made a prediction as to which would grow the best. Would it be the plants we water? Or the ones we give sunlight to?

    We are entering a Young Writers competition. Our challenge is to write a monster acrostic poem for the chance to be published in a book!

    Acting out the story of Matthew the Tax Collector in RE.

    Partitioning numbers on a bar model.

    Our new Science topic is ‘Plants’. We headed outside to spot some plants in our yard.

    Exploring mass using balance scales.

    Spring 2 

    We conducted an investigation to find out which material is best to make a plane. We made our predictions then followed instructions to make our own planes. We then talked about what variables we would keep the same and went into the hall to gather our results.

    After reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, we all stepped into Mr Wonka’s shoes and created our very own Wonka Bar!

    World Book Day 2024

    World Book Day 2024

    We are food waste warriors!

    We are food waste warriors!

    Dividing by 2.

    Our completed Grandad’s Island shacks

    Break time reading

    Spring 1 

    London’s burning, London’s burning!

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    Our completed Tudor houses, just before the Great Fire!

    Making equal groups with counters to find out how to multiply numbers.

    Exploring compass points in Geography.

    In English, we have been looking at instructions. We explored features of instructions before having a go at writing our own Gruffalo Crumble recipes. We then worked in teams to follow a fruit crumble recipe. After a thorough taste test we decided the crumble topping was tasty but the fruit a little bitter!

    Last week, we conducted an experiment to find out which materials float and which would sink. We also discovered which are waterproof by testing their absorbency. This week, we used our findings to design a boat. We then brought our designs to life and tested them to see if they float. We also took it one step further and had a competition to see how many pennies each boat would hold before sinking.

    Reaching new heights in PE

    Consolidating our maths work in the Computer Room.

    We LOVE reading!

    We LOVE reading!

    Sorting materials in Science.

    Adding pence!

    Adding fine detail to our Tudor houses.

    Exchanging tens in order to complete two digit subtraction problems.

    Exploring our schools outdoor environment as part of our new Geography topic.

    Exploring our schools outdoor environment

    Autumn 2

    Our Christmas window!

    Rehearsals are well under way for Cock-a-doodle Christmas!

    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

    Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

    Getting lost in a book

    Getting lost in a book

    Adding across 10 by using our number bonds to exchange ones for tens.

    Investigating how far gems travel when we shake hands. We were surprised to see how far they go!

    We will remember them.

    Investigating the importance of teamwork in PSHE when tackling a tricky challenge.

    Sorting books into fiction or non-fiction just by looking at their covers.

    Finding out why it is important to use soap to wash our hands by conducting an experiment.

    We completed our first DT project this week. In Science, we have been learning about keeping healthy and decided to design and create our very own breakfast cereal. We explored cereal box design features before sketching our own. We then copied our design onto a net of a cuboid before cutting it out and folding it to shape. We then selected a range of ingredients, ensuring some healthy bits, to make our own cereal.

    We went on a noun hunt around school to find people, places and things!

    Miggy and Bruno came to visit!

    Using dictionaries to find out definitions and synonyms.

    Using clay to make animals following our science topic- animals including humans.

    Feeling our pulse before and after exercise in science.

    Learning how to use a ruler correctly to underline our own date and title!

    Learning all about road safety and how to use the Green Cross Code.

    This week we began a new maths scheme- Mastering number! We were introduced to a new piece of equipment called a 'rekenrek'.

    Rehearsals for our Grimm Tales inspired performance are well under way!

    We have had a fantastic week settling into class 2.

    Our love for books has really shone through already and we are really excited to develop our passion for reading.

    This week we have explored features of books in English, place value in Maths, Florence Nightingale in History and began our cursive handwriting journey. We have also participated in a short PE lesson, our PE day is a Tuesday this year.

    We read the book 'Our class is a Family' and talked about class expectations.

    We read the book 'Our class is a Family'

    In English we have explored features of books. We then chose a book from our reading area and compared the illustrations, authors and blurbs! Please can children bring in their favourite book on Monday (11.09.23) as part of this topic.

    We each made a birthday card to go in our special birthday box! On our birthday we will choose a card from class 2.