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The Rule of Law


For good public order, governance, personal well-being and flourishing, social boundaries must be adhered to and, under God, those in authority - and their decisions - should be respected and obeyed.  Any change in the law should always be pursued by democratic means.

We have high expectations of our pupils at St Bart's and these are promoted through our Behaviour Principles.  Each year, the children create work based on our core values, and this important exploration of consequences helps the children appreciate how important consistent rules are to an ordered society.

A clear sense of right and wrong is instilled within the pupils from an early age, which is regularly reinforced by examples from the wider context, so that our children will grow to respect and follow the laws of the land.

Break times are opportunities for the children to negotiate and follow rules.  The children helped develop our school rules for playground football and the pupil practise enforcing these rules fairly.