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We had such a great time on our trip to the Discovery Museum!


Exploring the River Tyne at The Discovery Museum.

Our very own chimney sweeps!

In R.E., we have been looking at festivals and celebrations of different religions. We have explored the Festival of Light - Diwali and on Friday, we explored the symbols of Diwali. We created our own Diya lamps and rangeli patterns.

Every Who down in Whoville liked Christmas alot...

Any guesses as to the setting of our Christmas window?

Friday selfie!

Beep Beep! Police Lady-Who coming through. 

We ended a very busy first half-term by watching the Sheep-Pig and having some snacks. Happy half-term everyone!

Enjoying a spot of reading.

Some amazing work in music this week! We really enjoyed using the chime bar and performing to the rest of the class.